Rodney Howard Browne – Aja K. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

My life has changed drastically since I have started soul winning. I started soul winning back in 2002 and it was the scariest thing I had ever done at first. I had been a member of the River at Tampa Bay since December 1996 and wasn’t really involved in soul winning and wasn’t really interested in being involved in soul winning. I loved God and everything but I didn’t understand how soul winning was vitally important to my walk with God.

Since that time I have won hundreds or thousands of people to the Lord and have seen God move miraculously in people’s lives. I do not take any credit for any of the results I have seen on the streets, but it is the Spirit of God that has worked through me, and also me being open to be used by God. I am so grateful for this ministry and the charge that Pastorsand Adonica have given us as a congregation and a challenger for all of us to go to another level in our soul winning. I believe that every believer should be winning souls and if they are not then I really wonder if they are really believers. I am very excited for what God is doing on the streets of Tampa and that I have had the privileged to be a part of changing this city one neighborhood at a time.

My husband and I have been forever changed by the soul winning and will never stop winning souls even if God moves us to another state or country. We will definitely incorporate the soul winning script in our own ministry as well. God has shown me different ways and strategies on how to win different kinds of people to the Lord, and I have seen people through the soul winning script and the compassion of God come to the Lord and their lives change forever.