Rodney Howard Browne – Agustin B. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Being part of the family at the River at Tampa Bay Church has been incredible! I am so glad God called me to be here in such a time as this. God has used me to win many, many souls, and see lives changed of men, women and children. There is only one thing that matters in this life, and that is, obeying the Word of the Lord. He has commissioned us to go into the entire world and preach the Gospel to every creature. We have done it, and have seen the mighty hand of God operating in our behalf. Miracles, and healings are things we see very often, everything the Bible promises is true, you just have to approach it with child like faith.

Another thing that happens is that when you make yourself available, God will use you. You have to remain FAT that is, Faithful, Available, and Teachable. When you truly want to be used of God He will take you, mold you, do a work in you, and you will be an instrument of honor in His hand. Some time ago, I used to be fearful and maybe shy or nervous about sharing the Lord Jesus Christ with others. But when the Holy Spirit touches your life, a boldness to preach the gospel rises inside of you, and you have to, have to tell others about Jesus.

We have been going to some communities to win souls, that in the natural; I would not have gone to. But you get awareness that these people need our Lord, and that Jesus is their only hope, whether they see it or not. We have witnessed to them, even when they were rolling a joint of pot, getting drunk, etc. but the love of the Master impulses us to go. And we will keep on keeping on.