Winter Campmeeting 2010 | Mary Fowler Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

The “Winter Campmeeting 2010” for me was one of the most powerful ones to date. The afternoons were so awesome; it would have been easy just to continue on for the evening service at 7:00 pm without breaking.

I operated the camera for the afternoon meetings and a few of the night services. We have pre-production meetings an hour before each service and a few times the joy of the Holy Ghost would hit us and all we could do was laugh. We would stagger out to the Lobby, get stuck there for a few minutes and then on to the cameras.

During the services it seemed the Holy Spirit was touching the ushers, the singers, and the camera operators. These are usually the ones that try to stay focused and they were getting blitzed. One night in particular, I believe was Thursday, all Heaven broke loose and all I can say is WOW!

A first year student named Steve was leaping all over the place and then took off in a run. I was on Camera 2 laughing so hard and yet still able to get the important shot. Joy was breaking out over the whole crowd. Steve went all the way around the building and I could see he was going to come over to where another first year student was standing. I had the camera ready for when he came and man, he hit John and they took off running and I think my tally light was on so we were capturing it. I was standing up and ready for crowd shots.

Then Pastor Rodney went after the shoulder cam guy, Braxton. He went down and Pastor grabbed the Klearcom and began to shout “Filled “into the speaker. The first time he said it, I was holding on with everything in me. Then he said it a second time; I grabbed my chair, feeling the fire inside and knowing I was losing it. I finally just let go, hit the deck and began laughing so hard.

The next night, a lady came up to me to share what happened to her husband when I hit the deck. She said her husband used to work as Control Room Engineer. He was in a wheelchair sitting real close to my camera podium. She said he knew what was going to happen when Pastor got the Klearcom. He saw me get hit with power of God and tried to get up to help me so I wouldn’t fall on the floor. LOL! When I hit the deck the power of God jumped on him and he fell out under the power of God in his wheelchair.

The meetings would go from one degree of His glory to the next. I didn’t want them to stop and many people’s lives were dramatically changed.