Rodney Howard Browne – Xan H. Testimony

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When I was younger my parents were evangelists and what they did all the time was teach people how to win souls for the kingdom of God using the soul winning script. Back then I was rebellious and didn’t really know God or have ever accepted the Holy Spirit into my Life. So a few years later I was dragged into going to Busch Gardens with the youth group at the River and since then I’ve gone to the River’s youth group, got filled with the Holy Ghost and praying in tongues.

Since then I still had trouble leading people to Christ, I just haven’t achieved that boldness from God. So after a few years, I decide to go to the River Bible Institute and River School of Worship. In the first quarter, we had a class on soul winning taught by my youth pastor. And we had a requirement to meet the goal of one hundred by the end of the quarter and 13 souls every week. And I was pretty intimidated because my entire life’s soul count was in two digits. So I had to step out of my comfort zone and step into the boldness of God. That quarter my life as a Christian changed completely, in that quarter I led about 110 people to Jesus and haven’t stopped since then. Sure there is days when I don’t lead anyone to Jesus but life comes at you hard and you have Jesus as your shield to protect you.

In ending this story, I just want to say that you have to be sold out for Jesus. Because you can’t show people the Gospel if you haven’t made it complete truth in your life. And you have to be in line with God, you can’t be half on one side and half on the other. I’ve tried that and people you talk to see on your face how your relationship is with the Lord and they won’t want to get saved by you. So make sure that you are in line with God’s word and not doing the things you know are wrong. If you endure and holdfast to the things that Jesus asks you to do, you will be rewarded for your faith in keeping to His word.