Minister’s Conference 2010 – Shawnalee F. Testimony

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The Minister’s conference “no limits no boundaries” really caused me to think even more about what I need to be doing. I never realized that the Lord is trying to enlarge each of us, on the inside, as much as I realized it during this conference. This must happen so that we can reach those he has for us to reach. I saw this as a picture in my mind, where you start as a dry expanse when in the world. After your born again, you get a small amount of water to help your heart to grow(so to speak). When you yield more and more, the water which was a tiny dribble, becomes more which washes over us. If we keep yielding this expanse grows deeper and wider becoming like the grand canyon inside of us. This feeds us but allows what is in us to flow through us to others when we share with them. It can renew us totally and give us a whole new course which is what the Lord wants. I really felt like I need to press in to God in every way to hear his voice and be washed by his river of life. I want the water course of his word and his love to totally cleanse me and renew me. I no longer want to follow the old course for my life. I don’t want to settle for being another mediocre christian. I want the dam that is inside me to break and change me totally forever. I want to reach the world with the news that Jesus Christ died for each of us.

People around this earth are dying and not everyone of them knows about Jesus.  There have been many great men of God who have gone before us and many who are out there now. These are breaking new ground but they need us, with all the Lord has put in each of us, to jump in and move it. I love hearing about missions and yet everywhere is a mission field. Even your own neighborhood and have you been out there taking ground, expanding the vision?

Such a great expense is caused by taking ground and working the vision the Lord has. We can do what we need to do with what we have and yet there are those who are called to fund that harvest that is coming. I was a bit confused because I know I am a soul winner and feel called to nations. I also feel a strong pull to fund the end time harvest. Such a great amount of funds are needed and we need to get away from doing anything with this worlds way of doing business. What ever the Lord is up to, he knows better than me just how to use my talents the way he designates. I just need to yield and let him wash my new watercourse deep and clean. He gives us everything we need and causes signs and wonders to follow. This is for us to display his power and let those out there see  that God loves them. It is nothing we do in anyway as we are the vessel that is used. When we preach the gospel of Jesus then He shows up. People get healed, set free and set on fire. The ministers that came during this week needed refreshed and set ablaze again.

Right now we can shake Tampa while in school but we need the rushing river of God so we can remain on his course for our lives. We must go shake the places God has for us so I need to take advantage of every moment to press in and know how to navigate into the next step for me. The ideas I have been given must take shape into what the Lord has for me and not the other way around.

I worked most of the conference either at book tables or in shipping putting together product, burning DVD’s, CD’s ect. I did get to see some online while working. I look forward to hearing each and every service  and hearing even more.