

Wow, we are winning souls and seing souls revived daily out here, but we also got to help build the Hope Center, an outreach of Brownsville AOG, and it turns out one of the pastors there has a brother where we are from in California, what a coincidence, huh? These folks have taken us right in with an open door, and allowed us to pitch in like we never left The River. Thanks, Daddy, You are Soooooo Gooood!!!!! And thanks, guys for your prayers. Se you in Baton Rouge!

This past Sunday at the River I experienced and was honored to be a part of one of the most amazing events. River Kids service. I have had the honor of being a part of kids church for about the last 3 months and this particular Sunday was truly amazing. It was high energy, fast paced, and full of fun as well as the word of God. Kids were running all over the stage playing carious games that related to various principals founded in the bible. They were smacking themselves in the face with whip cream and eggs. They all wanted to be a part and participate in what was going on. Their excitement level was contagious. After all the fun and excitement Joe Manno began to talk to the kids about Jesus dying on the cross for their sins. Anyone who thinks that just because they are kids that they don’t understand really has no idea of what they are talking about.

I know for me personally it was one of the most touching experiences I have seen. The visual demonstration was straight to the point and hit to the core of the heart. I saw children crying and shaking under the power of God realizing what Jesus did for them so they could spend all eternity with Him. When the altar call was given we saw in excess of 150 children ask Jesus to be the Lord of their lives. These kids were so excited about what was happening. I truly believe that there was an eternal difference that has been made in these kids. The kind of impact that they will one day have on this world is something that I truly believe is going to be remarkable. I am so glad I was able to be a part of this day.

JP and Laci L
Pensacola Florida United States