Great Awakening Tour City #18 Baton Rouge, Louisiana | Marion S Testimony

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Led 2 people to the Lord today-used the script first time witnessing. He read the script to his mom today and she got saved. She got hit with the joy after she prayed the prayer of salvationNH God has given me a renewed burden and love for souls. I have always been shy and so yesterday I only set my goal for 10 but it was so easy that I passed my goal and today set it for 25 which I reached. One lady who stands out is lady who was so receptive and then was so happy and thanked me. I did get some rejections but I know they weren’t rejecting me but Jesus. Also one lady at first said she was Catholic and acted like she did not want to pray but I told her we all needed Jesus and then we prayed.

Marion S
N/A Louisiana United States