Great Awakening Tour City #14 Maui, Hawaii | Angelika H Testimony

Great Awakening Tour City #14 Maui, Hawaii

I spoke with a Catholic I spoke with a Buddist, she has gone to St. Anthony school (catholic) she accepted Jesus and gave offering of $20 one woman in bed–after praying told me her mind tells her she could not be forgiven and I assured her that she is! she was very appreciative and thankful!!

This past Sunday was amazing! It was incredible to see the harvest of souls come in, and being touched by the love of God, not just by the message – but also through the more natural means… a bag of food, Christmas gifts, and even a “hello”. It was awesome to see people, which we had gone out into the community and invited, at the River – responding to the altar call; giving their lives to Jesus. It’s easy to get into the mindset that we are just blessing these people, but these people are blessing us; after talking to a few of them on the streets, and listening to their individual stories, the things that they’re going through – and then seeing them, presented with the love of God that is the Gospel, hope restored to their eyes, is priceless. It’s what it’s all about.

I think that what Pastor Rodney and the River are doing is incredible. Setting the tone of what the church SUPPOSED is like. Not just keeping the Gospel inside the church, where the people who already know God come on Sunday’s – but taking it out into the community, bringing light into the dark places. Before coming here for Bible school, I had never been soul winning – but now that I’ve seen it, I’ve experienced it – it’s become such a passion of mine! The love of God is not just for the church or for a select few people. It’s for everyone. And taking the message of Jesus, to the streets, is for everyone in the church! It’s a rewarding experience, to have an outreach, like the one this past Sunday. To see the fruits of your labors right there before you. Laying down everything that they came in with, at the foot of the cross, and seeing lives changed right before your very eyes. Pastor Rodney understands this, and it is such an awesome privilege being able to serve under his leadership.

Angelika H
none given Hawaii United States